The St. Cholestera Issue Posted on September 24th, 2009 by

st. c

poh vol 1 no 3_001

An early present for the winter holiday season is this issue of Phil on Hol. Not only does it contain the life of Cholestera, the patron saint of cookies, but it also contains a certain juvenile work of Editor O’Connor, “The First Animal Christmas” (which includes the memorable line “they were now wretched creatures”).

A sighting of Leibniz (on a cookie box–turns out this really is a reference to Leibniz, unlike Fig Newtons, which are not named after that other famous calculus inventor), an article about category construction at the Minnesota State Fair (draw a Venn diagram to show the relationship between “cookie, ball type, not flattened,” and “cookie, ball type, flattened”)

Regular contributors Michael McNulty, Abby “World” Wilkerson and Barb “the Brief” Heldke are also found in this volume.


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